05:02 Morning Entry


  • Put on this week’s album
  • Make bed meditatively and clean (5m)
  • Mini Workout (5m)
  • Confirm Day’s agenda (5m)
  • Fill yesterday’s journal if not done (5m)
  • Refresh phone orgzly (5m)
  • Freshen up (15m)
  • Meditate (10m)

Looking Forward To

  • Start my official first day at $DAYJOB, where $DAYJOB is living my life to the fullest.
  • Finishing all things related to betterkeep landing page
  • Finish summarizing AhdultComic and creating boards in linear for it
  • Seeing if we can get done with the bank account today

05:47 Sort of done planning for the day

Think I am done planning for the day, will plan for the week now because I have time till the first task starts.